ARPAS-UK is the professional body for the fast evolving Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry, working on behalf of its members to support business growth, influence regulation and promote safe operational best practice.
Its membership base ranges from microSMEs to multinationals, and from UAV operators to end users and counter drone development. ARPAS-UK members continue to break new ground in markets where UAVs are delivering significant benefits.
ARPAS-UK works closely with the industry regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Government departments to influence, consult and advise upon UAV operations and future strategy, providing a collective voice for its members.
With its culture of collaboration, ARPAS-UK works with other professional organisations across a wide range of sectors in promoting and encouraging safe and ethical practices. It works in the public interest, and advocates professionalism within its membership through compliance with an agreed Code of Conduct.
The Association takes progressive stances on national issues to embed the UAV profession in all end-user industries, to enable it to continue to grow in reputation and influence.