Inform Tech Plus

Inform Tech Plus Ltd has a HQ in London and offices and a presence across Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Our aim is to not just have a wish, will or desire to do good in society or make a difference to help humanity but to actually take direct action and make a difference in our areas of expertise and where we feel we can make a real difference.
We specialise in security and resilience and our GM of UK and EMEA, Peter Joyce MBA, BSc, Dip BCM MEPS sits on the ISO technical committee TC292 Security & Resilience. Peter has been instrumental in promoting the need for our UK cities to standardise their approach to City Resilience capacity building and a new British Standard BS67000 is planned for launch in Liverpool on the 9th April 2019.
We have expertise in helping national and international companies to build resilience capacity with an emphasis on security mitigation measures as we recognise prevention is better than cure.
ITPs mission is to integrate cities of the future to become safe and secure. We offer bespoke innovative solutions with a passion for excellence, strong client relationships and service.